Understanding Startup Board Control
A few days ago during the holiday break, I saw a tweet from a CEO of a Techstars company called Bench. The tweet said that apparently, he was let go three years ago and that now the company is shutting down.

18 Mistakes Founders Make When Pitching Pre-Seed to VCs
Raising pre-seed is really hard in any climate.
That's why founders should prepare / study and AVOID COSTLY MISTAKES when interacting with VCs.
In this blog we’ll look at mistakes that are MASSIVE RED FLAGS with VCs that founders can and should avoid.

How VCs Handle Portfolio Companies During the Tough Times
2023 is off to a rough start in terms of fundraising and VC.
Many rounds will not get done or will get done with very different kind of terms.
What kind of support can founders expect from VCs that backed them?

Complete Guide to Angel Investing
Angel investing has become very popular - from successful founders to executives - many are Angel investing.
But WHY?
And HOW to be SUCCESSFUL at it?

Understanding Founder Roles and Types of Stocks
Founders are always confused about what it means to be founders, shareholders, directors, and executives as well as the differences between common stock and preferred stock.
Let’s unpack how it all works!

Why and How to Prepare for Investor Meetings
Many founders don't bother preparing for investor meetings or researching investors.
This is a BIG MISTAKE that puts them at a
Here is a Complete Guide for Founders on WHY and HOW to PREPARE FOR INVESTOR MEETINGS.

How to Run an Awesome 1st Investor Meeting
Investor meetings are notoriously hard especially THE 1ST MEETING.
Here is how Founders can prepare for and run an AWESOME 1ST INVESTOR MEETING.

How to Pick a Co-Founder
Picking a co-founder(s) is the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT DECISION after deciding to start a startup.
WHO do you start is almost as equally important as WHY do you start.
BE THOUGHTFUL about who you partner with!
Here is all you need to know about co-founders.

11 Worst Founder Traits That Lead To Failure
Being in venture for over a decade I have met some truly incredible founders.
I’ve also met and worked with founders who had BAD TRAITS, traits that led to FAILURE.
Here are the worst ones I observed.

Spiral Approach to Early Stage Startup Sales
Early sales, particularly Enterprise sales, are EXCEPTIONALLY HARD for STARTUPS.
The biggest issue is that founders spend too much time with customers who AREN’T READY TO BUY.
Here is a simple framework for how to think about YOUR APPROACH TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.
It starts & ends with an analogy…

A Complete Guide to Business MOATS
In my 10 years in venture I have met many great founders who understood their CUSTOMERS.
Yet, almost no founder on day 1 has thought about arguably the most important thing -- MOAT or long term defensibility of their business.
What are MOATs and WHY are they so IMPORTANT?

How to Target The Right Investors
One of the biggest things I've seen in 10 years in venture that founders do not do right at Pre-Seed, Seed, and even Series A stage is
In this blog we are going to unpack how to pick prospective investors - WHO to pitch and WHY.

Everything You Need to Know About Market Sizing
I consistently see founders get MARKET SIZE wrong in the early stage decks.
At the same time, VCs often pass if they feel that the market is TOO SMALL.
Here is everything you ever needed to know about MARKET SIZING.

What It’s Really Like to Run a Pre-Seed Stage Firm
Running a pre-seed stage firm is incredibly exciting, humbling, and exceptionally difficult.
It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had because it is so many jobs in 1. Here is what it’s like…

Jen Rubio and Stewart Butterfield are matching $2.5M for Ukrainian 🇺🇦 families
@stewart: The @1kproject has delivered 5,000+ USD $1k direct cash grants to Ukrainian families. Immediate help, no strings, in a time of wrenching crisis. 100,000+ families waiting. For the next 48 hours, @jennifer & I will match all personal donations.

The Complete List of Series B Investors
While I find a lot of resources online listing seed, and Series A investors, I was surprised to not be able to find a list of firms that could lead a larger, Series B or a later stage round.

31 Years Ago: Ukraine 🇺🇦 to USA 🇺🇸
31 Years ago, my family and I left then Soviet Ukraine as Jewish refugees and landed in United States. It now feels like eternity ago.
We had $2,500 in our pockets. We were scared. We didn’t know what to expect. We came from behind the barely lifted Iron Curtain. We thought that capitalism was evil. We were brainwashed, and uninformed.

7 Tips for Founders When Negotiating Term Sheets with VCs
Founders are always at a disadvantaged when negotiating with Venture Capitalists.
Simply because Founders only negotiate fundraising a handful of times during the life-time of the company, while VCs negotiate all the time. In addition, the institutional investors are always very clear about their goals and their math, while Founders most often just get hung up on pre or post money valuation, which is only one of the important deal terms.
So what can Founders do to level up and negotiate to the outcome they want?

Book Review: Why Startups Fail
I was the Managing Director at Techstars NYC between 2014 and 2018 and invested in 104 startups through two funds. The first fund has 13.74x TVPI (a multiple of the distributed capital plus future value) and 1.69x DPI (a multiple of the distributed capital), and the second has 5.37x TVPI and 1.16x DPI. Both funds, although early, have already returned all capital to investors with very significant upside.
However, here's the thing. Of the 104 companies that I backed, 34 failed. In other words, 33% of the companies I invested in are no longer operating. I have been exceptionally lucky with this portfolio, but I've experienced significant failure alongside my success.

Podcast: Just Go Grind Interview with Alex Iskold
A few weeks ago Justin Gordon reached out to me and asked to do an interview on Just Go Grind Podcast.
I’ve agreed, and the interview just came out. I thought Justin has done an awesome job as an interviewer.
We covered a wide range of topics - from my startups, to Techstars, The $1k Project, the origin and strategy of 2048 Ventures, portfolio construction, how we source, how do we evaluate deals, and much more.